Saturday 31 May 2008


My blog is looking rather deprived of updates. I have been very busy and very frustrated. Overtime (as in work) has always been a bit of a taboo with me. I work with people that relish overtime for all the extra "dosh" it brings in, but to me the idea of getting paid double time is not nearly payment enough when I start to ponder what my free time could actually be worth. Lately I have had a cold, hard smack in the face with regards to the worth or, more fittingly, the cost (negative) that overtime has on myself.

My writing isn't really that terrible.


Xumca said...

YAY!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!

:rubs hands together evilly:

...musssst have pictures, yeshhhh...

Munin said...

OMG... I completely forgot it was Speak Like Gollum Day! :-D

Shibaal said...

Dear Sir,

I have been back tracking and reading your blog. Your work has enticed me to pick up the pencil/pen/3DS pen and do some creative expression of my own. I'll even go so far as to track my progress by the way of blogging. The final icing on the cake to which compelled me to do so was you comment you made regarding work and free time - the latter being more important in one's life...

With that I thank you kind Sir!